It is the designingof Architectural projects to make the facade shells look visually morebeautiful.
There are many factors to makethe facade design of the architectural project. For example, the area in whichfield project will serve is of first priority: Is it a housing project,business center, or hotel? In the next stage, the expectations of the personwho has the ultimate power to approve the project design should be analyzedafter a meeting with him. Once the necessary analysis is done, theenvironmental factors of the location of the project should be examined and thefacade designs of other buildings in the surrounding area should be considered.The budget planned for the project should be learned and cost analysis shouldbe done.
Design Planning
All the mentioned main factors should be synthesizedby the designer to determine what kind of design should be made and whichmaterials to be used. Following this, within the designing principles, the mostsuitable and the most advantageous commercial design is made.
3D Modeling
Design concepts emerging during the planning stage aremade ready for presentation of architectural project after making 3d modeling.
The rapid growth of construction sector in Turkey hasled to a fierce competition among companies. In order to be able to distinguishitself in a competitive environment, companies have prioritized the design ofthe projects planned to build.
Facade Custom Design
The facade design is like the packaging of the project.Consciously crafted facade design adds value to the project.
With the development of technology, many alternativeproducts have been marketed for facade design. The most actively used of theseproducts are; composite, aluminum, precast, wood, weather boarding, ceramic andjacketing ones. Apart from these, there are still many more products to be usedin facade design.
The diversity of materials has given more freedom tothe designers. This freedom has led to better project designs and morepicturesque buildings have emerged. In the facade design, the durability of thematerial to be used is also very important as well as the visual appearance ofthe facade.
In order to make a proper facade design, all of thefactors we have mentioned should be reflected to the project in the bestpossible way, so that a successful project is created.